
class bionty.CellType(name: str, ontology_id: str | None, abbr: str | None, synonyms: str | None, description: str | None, parents: list[CellType], source: Source | None)

Bases: BioRecord, TracksRun, TracksUpdates

Cell types - Cell Ontology.


For more info, see tutorials Manage biological registries and CellType.

Bulk create CellType records via from_values().


>>> record = bionty.CellType.from_source(name="T cell")

Simple fields

uid: str

A universal id (hash of selected field).

name: str

Name of the cell type.

ontology_id: str | None

Ontology ID of the cell type.

abbr: str | None

A unique abbreviation of cell type.

synonyms: str | None

Bar-separated (|) synonyms that correspond to this cell type.

description: str | None

Description of the cell type.

created_at: datetime

Time of creation of record.

updated_at: datetime

Time of last update to record.
